Veteran Yoruba actress Idowu Philips popularly known as Mama Rainbow, has left many of her fans and followers in panic after a cryptic post on her social media page. The actress who shared a photo of herself in deep thought on her Instagram page disclosed she is heartbroken and accompanied the photo with the Nigerian flag and a broken heart emoji. Meanwhile, the actress did not disclose the reason for her current situation; however, her post may be connected to the insecurity challenges experienced in Nigerian in recent times and the rape saga involving her colleague Baba Ijesha. The actress wrote: my heart is broken. Reacting to the post while some of her fans expressed fears and sent words of prayers to her other consoled her with words of encouragement on her comment section. officialajummy wrote: My mama😍All@is well queenb_collection wrote: Maami it’s only God that can help our nation now 😢 everything is not normal anymore😢 God pls protect and guide our chi...
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